one hundred twenty

one hundred twentyone hundred twenty
  1. One Hundred Twenty Years of China 's Health Quarantine Service


  2. More than one hundred twenty thousand people attended the show .


  3. Dance City USA had one hundred twenty teachers .


  4. Wheat prices have risen one hundred twenty percent in the past year .


  5. Is this one hundred twenty dollars ?


  6. The World Health Organization says more than one hundred twenty million people worldwide suffer from depression .


  7. More than one hundred twenty American schools offer study programs for people seeking to become a doctor .


  8. It lost more than one hundred twenty million dollars between July and September .


  9. But most portable music players can produce sounds up to one hundred twenty decibels .


  10. For example , a family earning one hundred twenty thousand dollars would pay about twelve thousand a year .


  11. The Transportation Department says it has received more than one hundred twenty reports , including reports of four crashes .


  12. Methods One hundred twenty AMI patients who had emergency PTCA plus stent were randomly divided by study group and control group .


  13. The book says China sent one hundred twenty boys to America to learn about developments that could help modernize their country .


  14. Care International says emergency aid is growing , yet more than one hundred twenty million Africans still face dangers like starvation .


  15. It says its member nations , not including Iraq , are investing one hundred twenty billion dollars in over one hundred new oil projects .


  16. He did many more good deeds , and died peacefully many years later without any suffering at the age of one hundred twenty years old .


  17. One hundred twenty healthy chicks at 5 d of age were used to investigate the effects of different cold exposure on dynamic changes of relative hormones .


  18. The hurricane struck the coast of North Carolina with winds of up to one hundred twenty kilometers an hour last Saturday .


  19. Methods : One hundred twenty four cases of PAf were treated with deslanoside and the left ventricular functions were detected with colour Doppler echocardiography .


  20. Indeed , mine workers in deep , South African gold mines must learn to work in surroundings that are over one hundred twenty degrees - all year round .


  21. Methods One hundred twenty six patients with AMI of CHD ( superacute period ) were selected , and followed to record 12 leads ECG , then was analyzed .


  22. One hundred twenty one isolates were obtained from samples of peony root rot collected from Heze region in Shandong Province . They were designated as 13 genera ( species ) .


  23. It can send a jolt of as much as eight hundred volts of electricity through the water in which it lives . ( An electric house current is only one hundred twenty volts . )


  24. By1947 this force had grown to nearly three hundred thousand men , of which at least one hundred twenty thousand men were organized into a striking force of six corps of three divisions each .


  25. Skateistan partners with local groups that work with young people . The park is on the grounds of the group known as PSE , where children attend school and learn a trade . There are almost one hundred twenty participants . Many come from troubled lives .


  26. The unit size is one hundred and twenty square feet .


  27. A football field is one hundred and twenty yards long .


  28. One hundred and twenty dollars per night , excluding tax .


  29. Methods : One hundred and twenty patients underwent video assisted cardiac surgery .


  30. One hundred and twenty billion dollars , to be exact .
